I just wanted everybody to know that while I was at a local restaurant, I had to go to the bathroom really bad after drinking way too many glasses of iced tea. It was a very confusing decision for me, especially with this unisex bathroom debate going on. I simply did not know which bathroom I should choose and use, the one that says "MEN" or the one that says "WOMEN." (Some days I feel like like a testosterone bomb who loves to yell and high-five my buddies while watching cage fighting or football at Hooters. Other days, I feel a little more feminine, and want to watch "The Notebook" or "Ghost," all by myself at home, eat chocolates, and cry when Sam says "Ditto" to Molly.)
I was unsure about how I felt this particular day about myself and what bathroom I should choose, so I decided to go wee-wee in this unmarked, unlabeled unisex urinal that was located outside and in between both the Women's and Men's bathroom doors. I certainly didn't want to offend anybody and wanted to be politically correct, so I chose to do my business at this neutral site pictured below.
I would like to thank this restaurant for providing this progressive thinking answer to my immediate need and for not making me choose which bathroom to use. It is also very good and green for the environment because you flush by using a push button that squirts out just a tiny little arc of water. I think every establishment needs to provide these very cool European-looking urinals that don't put a label on anybody.